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Typing of the Dead arcade vs Dreamcast

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:12 am
by OldFoo
I was just wondering if there are any notable differences between the dreamcast and Naomi versions of Typing of the Dead. I know HoTD2 Naomi was slightly better due to some better textures. Does the same hold true for ToTD? I ask because I wonder if I should shell out a few extra bucks for the Naomi cart if its notably better.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:21 am
by OldFoo
Im not 100% sure...but i would assume that the same texture statement holds true for typing of the dead as the levels are exactly the same....theres also another level in the arcade version that im not sure is on the DC version..though i havent pulled my DC out of the closet in a while :smt009

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:10 pm
by OldFoo
Naomi has more texture memory than Dreamcast, but that doesn't mean they actually used all that memory on high resolution textures in the arcade version. It would be very difficult at all to tell visually if there is more compression on one texture verse another...unless you have some screenshots that can clearly show the differences?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:32 am
by OldFoo
I guess my main question is this - does ToTD use the same textures as the original Naomi HoTD2, or is it just the Dreamcast version? I thought I read somewhere that the game was released on Dreamcast first, so I was afraid it used the slightly downgraded textures from that version. I guess I just want the graphically superior version. If I'm not mistaken, the DC port of HoTD2 didn't even have the same variety of textures on the enemies either.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:17 am
by OldFoo
Typing of the Dead was in fact released in arcades first. I would assume like most Naomi > DC ports that the naomi version of the game will be of higher visual quality. I personally have played both HOTD2 and TOTD arcade versions, and think they look exactly the same..

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:53 am
by OldFoo
House of the Dead 2 Naomi had better visuals than DC version, look at the sky textures, also had more blood splatters.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:56 am
by OldFoo
AndyGeezer wrote:House of the Dead 2 Naomi had better visuals than DC version, look at the sky textures, also had more blood splatters.

More blood splatters = Way Better :D