Scrolling Arcade Monitor Problem

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Scrolling Arcade Monitor Problem

Post by OldFoo »

My friend bought a new monitor for his arcade machine because the one that came with it went out. When he put in a game it just constantly scrolls. Does anyone know how to fix this? He just got the monitor so I'm wondering if this monitor still can be fixed.

Here's a youtube video:

YouTube - Scrolling arcade monitor

If anyone has a youtube account please post up comments or advice on this the youtube link.

Thank you.

Post by OldFoo »

hi , it's a synchronisation problem , try to put only Hsync and after only Vsync and say the result ( or put here a video )

here a true Hsync + Vsync to composite sync


freanch :

salut, c'est un probleme de synchro comme tu as pu t'en rendre compte,

essaye d'abord de mettre uniquement Vsync et regarde le resultat. ensuite debranche le et met Hsync et regarde le resultat

dans les deux cas ton image sera merdique maus sa pourra aider !!!

met une vid?o du resultat !!!

ici tu as un vrai sch?ma pour combiner Hsync et VSync !!!!

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